Infinite Blue Spa

Goblet Ward 18 Plot 18

The Infinite Blue is a relaxing spa by the Goblet pools. With four communal baths, a sauna and massage room, even the weariest of souls are sure to find a measure of calm.
Relax and let our waters soothe your minds and bodies!

The spa is open all day every day, and is free for use whenever you like! The massage and sauna room is located in private chambers. However, please note that not all private chambers are ICly part of the spa - check the descriptions if you're unsure.


  • No weapons are allowed inside the premises

  • No food or alcohol is to be consumed inside the premises

  • No fighting on the premises

  • Swimsuits must be worn

  • No animals

  • No fighting, drug dealing, or any shady activities

The spa is left relatively unsupervised so that patrons can relax in peace. Please do not take advantage of this and use it as an excuse for bad behaviour without consequences.
There are benches hidden in the two main baths, so you can sit on the edges of the baths with your feet in the water! Seating is also hidden in the sauna.

Please enjoy the Infinite Blue spa! Contact me on Discord for any questions - I am in the RPC as Rhetigeim/Tiffany, or violencemilk